Though this is an electronic Journal intended for the Members of this college, it should reach a standard that will make the profession sit up and take notice.

The intention is to publish articles written by our Members. With the assistance and advice of my co- editors, articles will not be limited to those based purely on evidence based material. Articles so based do not always attract interest or usefulness. Those Journals restricting themselves to evidence based material, are doing our discipline a disservice as the observations, the deep consideration and investigation, and the final enlightenment about conditions and symptoms over which our colleagues have pondered go to waste. We are all trained and learned professionals and each of us have thoughts to present. One problem is that certain symptoms and conditions are only infrequently seen by a single Practitioner who nevertheless has formulated his own opinion of their causation or management but has not sufficient volume to allow statistical analysis.

Our College will listen to anyone who has thoughts to contribute. We will pool ideas. We may publish abstracts of these thoughts and encourage comment whether positive or negative. The Member’s contribution will be acknowledged and all in all, our debate and our writings will be interesting. The boffins research obscure subjects often of little practical value to active practising Physicians and Surgeons. Perhaps they can try to prove or disprove any theories we present.

The editors will examine any correspondence forwarded and unless this is absolutely devoid of merit, will publish it to promote such opinion for the attention and deliberation of our colleagues.

Other informal snippets, discussions , letters , anecdotes and the like are welcome. These will be ordered in a given set sequence of publication as follows.

  1. Articles of special merit will take first place and include those which in the opinion of the editors have some quality, some common interest, and which offer interesting debate. It can be based on any Ear Nose & Throat situation.
  2. Articles based on review of the literature and perhaps concluding with recommendations of a particular improved mode of diagnosis or management.
  3. Abstracts of our scientific meetings.
  4. Comments, questions, discussions posed at the scientific meeting.
  5. Proposed new ACENTP Standards or Guidelines.
  6. Proposed modifications, additions and comment on these standards.
  7. Other matters of business, future meetings, proposed activities of the College etc.
  8. Miscellaneous
    1. Publication of interesting anecdotes.
    2. Publication of specific complaints regarding the bureaucratic departments or actions of patients or any involved party.
    3. Anomalies in our discipline.
    4. Brief extracts of interesting cases and incidents that you come across in your daily practice.
    5. Articles of light humour that might add to the enjoyment of the Members.

When our specific web site is set up some of these notices will be separated from the Journal.

Some papers will be passed onto various Members for their comment and editing to facilitate processing. Most material presented will not undergo any alteration; only those that may not be clearly stating the theme. So please check them for grammatical errors and send in electronic format. Let us enjoy our journal.

Stan Stylis    Editor

The aims of the Australasian College of ENT Physicians

The content of the ACENTP e-JOURNAL will be in keeping with the Aims of our College, so articles primarily relating to surgical techniques are not suitable. Any other ENT subject is welcome.

The articles are to assist –

  1. Continuing education of the ENT community in general.
  2. To service the interests and education of ENT Specialists who have retired from surgery but continue to practice,
  3. To specifically assist/train interested ENT Specialists in preparing medico-legal reports,
  4. To provide a forum and association for ENT Specialists who wish to specialise in ENT disease/pathology/audio-vestibular medicine/ENT allergy/clinical investigations, but do not wish to involve themselves in surgery sessions,
  5. To underscore the standing of ENT physiology and medical disease itself and its importance as a prerequisite to proper and efficient medical and surgical management.

We invite you to participate in the College and promote Medical Otorhinolaryngology and Medico- legal medicine.